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Vegan Vicki Vegan Vicki

Pea and leek summer soup with potato croutons

Summer and soup does seem to be a bit of an oxymoron. Think of soup, and your mind conjures up images of steaming hot bowls, thick and rich with earthy warming flavours - not exactly what you crave when the temperature is rising. Here in the UK, however, a summer’s day can be just as cold and dreary as a mild day in winter…

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Side dishes, Vegetarian Vicki Side dishes, Vegetarian Vicki

Feta and spring onion potato salad

Summer is almost upon us here in the northern hemisphere, and the promise of lazy meals and BBQs outside is tantalisingly close. Here in the UK we’ve been given an extra bank holiday this year to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, so many of us will be kicking back and, weather permitting, enjoying some tasty food and drink outside with friends!

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Side dishes, Vegan Vicki Side dishes, Vegan Vicki

Lemon roasted new potatoes

My fiancé is a great lover of lemons. His mother reliably informs us that he only started speaking as a child to ask for “some lemon dosh” (dosh = squash), and even now he will happy munch on a leftover lemon slice when one is available to him. Me, I’m more ambivalent about lemons, particularly in their application in sweet recipes.

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