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Italian, Vegetarian, Midweek meals Vicki Italian, Vegetarian, Midweek meals Vicki

Creamy mushroomy pasta

All I need to say to introduce this recipe is that I love mushrooms. They’re my favourite vegetable (I know, they’re not even technically plants, but let’s talk in culinary terms), and combined with carbs and cheese they make my heart sing and my stomach happy. This recipe is a combination of two delicious recipes which I’ve come across over the years…

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Vegetarian, Italian, Midweek meals Vicki Vegetarian, Italian, Midweek meals Vicki

Lemon and kale rigatoni with pecorino and pangratto

Spring is slowly but surely heading into summer (even if the amount of rain we’ve been having seems to suggest otherwise!) and with it comes a general dislike for putting the oven on. Since last posting we have moved from our stuffy flat into a far cooler house, but even now when it’s getting a bit toasty outside it’s better to keep the kitchen heat to a minimum…

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Italian, Midweek meals, Vegetarian Vicki Italian, Midweek meals, Vegetarian Vicki

Tomato and mascarpone pasta

Long time, no blog (?)! It’s been a busy few months since I last shared a recipe, and while I’ve still been cooking away (girl’s gotta eat) I’ve had the small endeavour of planning a wedding keeping me occupied. We had a fairly long engagement allowing us to get the big things booked up early and take our time on the details, however everyone was correct in saying that as soon as last Christmas was out of the way, time would fly…

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Midweek meals, Vegan Vicki Midweek meals, Vegan Vicki

Smoky lentil and black bean chilli

Here’s a quick and easy midweek-meal for you this week, a family favourite that doesn’t take too long to rustle up and can be used in all sorts of ways to change things up a bit. This is my smoky lentil and black bean chilli - it’s vegan friendly, a little bit spicy (but not too much) and full of the fresh and smoky flavours of summer.

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